TMD written update: Diljeet says he isn't afraid of Angad’s threats
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TMD written update: Diljeet says he isn’t afraid of Angad’s threats

TMD written update: Garry and Sahiba attempt to cease closely intoxicated Angad who heads in direction of Diljeet’s home with a gun to kill Diljeet. Angad doesn’t hearken to them and continues to stroll. Sahiba tells Garry that she is aware of how one can finish this situation and asks him to attempt to cease Angad whereas she does what she needs to. She walks to Diljeet’s home whereas Garry tries to cease Angad. She remembers all of the latest incidents occurred and steps into the home. Akeer continues to seek for his queen puppet. Maid asks him to sleep now, they may seek for his puppet within the morning. Akeer sleep crying for his mom.

Diljeet remembers the standard time spent with Akeer and Sahiba and will get drunk. Sahiba walks in entrance of him. He’s stunned to see her and touches her to verify it it’s actually her. Sahiba says she thought quite a bit and desires him to cease enjoying this got here, so she accepts his situations to verify he doesn’t bother others any extra.

Diljeet asks her to sit down. Sahiba says she is going to marry him if he palms over Akeer to Angad. Diljeet asks if she doesn’t love her son Akeer, why she needs to handover her son to a monster Angad. Sahiba says he’s a monster and never Angad. Diljeet says Sahiba modifications colors greater than a chameleon, it appears like she fell in his love that she needs to go away even Akeer.

Teri meri doriyaann latest gossip: Sahiba says she is doing this for Akeer and doesn’t need Akeer to be with an affordable man like Diljeet, she is okay if Akeer turns into smug and mannerless like Angad, and so on.; she is going to marry him if he palms over Akeer to Angad. Diljeet says that’s one a part of his situation, the opposite half is Angad himself will give her hand in his hand and unite them.

Sahiba warns him to maintain Angad away from all this. Angad walks in and shouts Sahiba can’t maintain Akeer’s papa out of Akeer’s life and factors gun at Diljeet. Diljeet asks if he has gone mad and calls safety. Angad closes door with distant and says he’ll kill him as we speak for risking his son’s life. Diljeet warns him to maintain the gun away. Sahiba tries to cease Angad, however Angad doesn’t agree.

Diljeet says Angad ruined his life and made him a monster and now he’s accusing him as a substitute. Angad says no person can cease him from killing Diljeet. Diljeet calls safety once more and accuses that it was Angad and Sahiba’s mixed plan, first Sahiba will come and comply with his phrases after which Angad will enter and kill him.

TMD written update: Angad asks what’s he saying. Diljeet says he isn’t afraid of Angad’s threats. Angad says he isn’t threatening however will kill him for certain. Sahiba tries to cease him in useless. Angad walks in direction of Diljeet and tells Sahiba that psycho Diljeet can’t do something from hereon, she will take Akeer away after he kills Diljeet.

Angad performs Russian roulette with Diljeet. Diljeet says he’s closely drunk and may go to his mummy. Angad shouts shut up. Diljeet says he can take Akeer away and asks him to place the gun down. Angad says there may be only one bullet on this gun, now destiny will take a call who can be alive. He shoots Diljeet first which works clean, then factors at himself. Sahiba tries to cease him.

TMD written update: Diljeet thinks Sahiba didn’t react when Angad shot him, however is nervous about Angad. Shot goes clean once more. Diljeet laughs and asks if this gun is actual or he’s enjoying with a toy. Angad says gun is actual, destiny was on Diljeet’s facet final time however won’t at all times. Diljeet says he can’t save himself after killing him. Angad shouts his son can be saved although. Guard walks in with machine gun and warns Angad to place the gun down. Diljeet takes gun and factors at Angad.

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