Anupama latest gossip: Shruti thinks to offer trace to Anupama
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Anupama latest gossip: Shruti thinks to offer trace to Anupama

Anupama latest gossip: Anupama tells Mr. Gulati that it’s good that he likes the tea of spice and chutney, however it isn’t needed that Toshu will serve it at all times. She says if you wish to meet Toshu then speak to him in his break time, and tells that the restaurant is closed very long time and asks him to go. Gulati feels insulted and tells that you’re flying excessive and the restaurant business don’t overlook anybody and don’t know when you may be fall down.

Yashdeep says even I’m within the Business, and may inform you easy methods to fly in sky. Gulati asks him to settle down and says I’m speaking to her. Anupama says these individuals worry who doesn’t have the power to fall, and says I’ve the expertise of fall down, and says no matter I do, has nothing to do with you.

Anuj makes Aadhya sleep and thinks what to inform to Anu and Aadhya, I don’t wish to upset each. Anupama comes house and tells that she has introduced all of the ornament stuff. Anuj takes the bag. Anupama asks did you give drugs to Aadhya.

Anupama upcoming twist: Anuj says sure. She asks if she is awake? He says her medicine is robust and that’s why she slept. Anupama says it’s good, she can be calm with good sleep. She says she is calm since few days. She worries that one thing can set off her anger. Anuj asks why are we speaking about it and tells that he has saved her presents at bedside. She selects the ornament and says Aadhya can be stunned when she wakes up. Toshu comes house silently. Kinjal doubts him. He says he’s going to sleep. Anuj and Anupama are adorning the corridor for Aadhya’s birthday. He helps Anupama. Music performs…….

Shruti thinks to offer trace to Anupama that she shall not attend the social gathering, and says solely Aadhya, AK and I deserve this happiness. Anupama and Anuj full the ornament and says Aadhya can be pleased. She says she’s going to see her photograph and want her pleased birthday, like she has been doing since 5 years. Anuj says you may want her instantly.

Anupama latest gossip: Anupama says she may get upset and says they shall want her seeing her photograph. She prays for Aadhya. Simply then gentle comes, Anuj says it is a signal that your prayers can be fulfilled. He data pleased birthday want of Anupama and him. Anupama will get teary eyes and says I’ll fall asleep. She says she’s going to make recent cake within the morning and can go to restaurant. Anuj feels sorry and says easy methods to inform you that Aadhya don’t need you to be a part of her celebrations.

Kavya is happy about her new work. She sees Vanraj’s garments on the mattress and thinks to examine. She will get the keys and tries to open the cabinet. Vanraj comes there and appears at her. He will get a name and attends it. The man tells him about Titu. Kavya retains the keys and goes.

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