Kumkum bhagya spoiler alert: Ranbir asks Poorvi to say if she don’t love RV
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Kumkum bhagya spoiler alert: Ranbir asks Poorvi to say if she don’t love RV

Kumkum bhagya spoiler alert: RV spraying on Poorvi’s ft, and he or she shouts feeling ache. Ranbir hears and walks to go there. All of the terrorists collect. Inspector and his Police pressure tells the terrorists that they’re coming inside. Terrorist says even they’re prepared and can kill hostages. Ranbir knocks on the door and thinks Terrorist is with Poorvi. He says open the door, and depart my daughter. Poorvi tells RV that KK sir is there. RV opens the door. Ranbir is about to interrupt the door and will get inside.

He asks Poorvi how is she, and the place is the terrorists due to whom she shouted. She tells that there isn’t a terrorist, simply RV is right here. Ranbir asks RV to maneuver and says he’s simply involved for his daughter. RV asks what downside you’ve gotten with me. He says Poorvi was harm so he was making use of spray to her foot. Poorvi asks what occurred? Ranbir says he obtained fearful. Poorvi hugs him. RV seems to be on. The terrorists and the Police begins the shoot out. Diya and Vishaka will get fearful for Poorvi and are unhappy that RV’s household don’t need to save her.

RV tells Ranbir that he’ll exit of the room and see. Ranbir asks if you know the way to make use of weapon or you already know judo karate, and tells that he would have let him go 10 days again, however not now. RV questions him why? Ranbir says Poorvi loves him very a lot and that’s why he can’t let him exit and threat his life. RV says it isn’t true.

Kumkum bhagya upcoming story: Ranbir asks Poorvi to say if she don’t love RV. Poorvi is silent. She says she needs water. RV asks her to attend for someday. Ranbir asks if she is fasting for RV. Poorvi asks how are you aware? Ranbir says my spouse used to maintain quick for me. She says Tashu aunty additionally retains quick. She says even my mom retains this quick. Ranbir smiles. The terrorists plan to catch the hostages and the 2 males (Dushyant’s males) who got here later. The Inspector is ready to enter the resort again door, and the man breaks the lock with the silencer gun.

The officers come out and tells that they got here out safely. They see Monisha and tells that her father shouldn’t have known as us, if anybody would have come to know that we’re not among the many resort visitor or hostages, and Dushyant despatched her to return his favor then it might have been troublesome. Monisha sees them and goes behind them. They inform that they’ll inform simply Dushyant. Vishaka and Diya ask about Poorvi whereas Monisha asks about RV.

They go to Dushyant and tells him that they didn’t deliver RV out, as he refused to return out. Dushyant says it’s best to have introduced RV and that Poorvi out forcibly. They inform that they’d gone to only save RV. Vishaka asks them to take cash and save them. They inform that they’ve finished it to return Dushyant’s favor. Jaswant asks them to go inside and produce them out. Mark tells that in the event that they go inside, then it’s like inviting demise. They depart.

Kumkum bhagya spoiler alert: Dushyant says he’ll speak to Minister and can ask him to take the mandatory steps. RV says I’ll exit, however Ranbir stops him and says he can’t exit. RV says he is aware of him that he has no emotions for anybody, he’s impolite and many others. Ranbir says that’s why he’s right here, and tells that he is not going to let him go. RV says he isn’t his son and asks him to not behave as if he’s his son. Ranbir tells that he don’t need to go, as he needs to guard him.

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