Bhagya lakshmi written update: Shalu comes there and greets Avinash
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Bhagya lakshmi written update: Shalu comes there and greets Avinash

Bhagya lakshmi written update: Physician telling that she has a head damage and being a baby, she is way affected. He asks them to not fear and says she shall be high-quality. Rohan sits at her bedside, and tells that as Physician stated that they shall not fear and she or he shall be high-quality. Dadi comes there outdoors the room and appears at Lakshmi. Lakshmi comes out and touches her ft. Dadi blesses her to stay lengthy, be joyful and be infront of her eyes all the time. She says I’m very joyful to see you infront of my eyes.

Lakshmi is about to say. Dadi says she dont need to hear as what issues to her is her presence. Lakshmi hugs her and cries. Dadi additionally cries. Physician asks them to provide area to the affected person. Karishma asks Malishka, why she didn’t inform her about Lakshmi. Anushka indicators her that she didn’t inform her. Malishka says she herself noticed her when she went there for Rohan, and says there was no community else she would have knowledgeable her. Avinash hears them and asks why she didn’t return. Karishma asks why she’s going to return.

Ayush asks Shalu, why she didn’t name him. Shalu says it isn’t too late, and congratulates him. Ayush thanks her. Shalu goes from there interested by Ayush and her. Rohan asks Lakshmi to carry his sister’s hand and says she shall be feeling ache. Lakshmi holds her hand. Lakshmi holds Paro’s hand and retains hand on Rohan’s head. Physician asks them to carry sizzling water bag.

Bhagyalakshmi upcoming twist: Lakshmi asks Physician to examine Rohan. Physician checks Rohan. Rohan says he’s drained. Dadi asks her to carry sizzling water bag from kitchen. Lakshmi is hesitant. Dadi asks her to go. Karishma tells Avinash that they don’t need Lakshmi to return and says she had made our lives problematic, she was inauspicious and troubled us rather a lot. She says it was her non cease inauspicious habits. Avinash says even I heard all this, however why she didn’t return if she was alive. Karishma says Lakshmi would possibly thought to return, however now there’s a 7 years hole between them and Rishi has develop into of Malishka.

Shalu comes there and greets Avinash. Karishma asks why did you greet him. She tells Avinash that Shalu is Lakshmi’s reflection, and says I’ve thrown her out someday again, however then additionally she re-entered, that is her shameless act, when no one needs to see her, however she needs to enter the home.

Lakshmi will get tensed seeing Rishi within the kitchen. Rishi asks Lakshmi about Paro. Lakshmi says she is just not your daughter. Rishi says we had made a household and asks how may you sleep in night time after snatching my rights from me. He says mother and father love their youngsters selflessly. He says individuals speak about motherly love, however they don’t speak about fatherly’s love when the daddy too loves the kid equally vital.

Bhagya lakshmi written update: He tells that the kid is of father too, and says it’s each mother and father’ duty to consider their baby, and says you will have snatched my rights from me and may’t forgive you. He says you will have betrayed me, Paro is my daughter. Lakshmi thinks to lie. Karishma shouts and asks why did your sister come right here? Shalu says Di dont need to return right here.

Karishma says I don’t belief you. Shalu asks why did you ask me then? Anushka shouts at her. Karishma stops her and tells shalu that she thought that she would possibly say fact mistakenly. She says Lakshmi has come right here for cash and asks Malishka to not fear. Shalu says 7 years handed, however you might be nonetheless the identical, I really feel pity on you. Lakshmi says I might have instructed you, if she was your daughter. Rishi says dont dare to say this, as my coronary heart is aware of that Paro is my daughter.

Lakshmi remembers seeing Malishka and Rishi collectively and says even I’ve a misunderstanding that I used to be in your coronary heart. She reminds him that he has a son from Malishka. Rishi says you might be considering me fallacious. He asks Lakshmi to inform why she requested him to save lots of his daughter. She says she stated as Paro calls him Dad. She goes. Rishi says his coronary heart is aware of fact.

Bhagya lakshmi written update: Shalu and Karishma have an argument. Kiran says how dare she discuss like this. Malishka shouts at Shalu. Shalu says you will have identical respect even now in my sight. She says if you happen to say something in opposition to my Di, then I’ll no bear. Dadi asks Karishma to cease it. Lakshmi asks Shalu to return along with her. Kiran asks why do you individuals soften seeing Lakshmi.

Karishma asks Lakshmi to go away, and says you collide with Rishi and went there, and are available right here with Paro, however now you shall depart. Rishi tells them that Lakshmi had not solely collided along with her, however she was with him to rescue the youngsters, and tells that Paro is Lakshmi’s daughter. Everyone seems to be shocked.

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